Monday, December 10, 2012

God is the master chef...

Romans 8:28: All things work together for good for them that love the Lord.

We can't isolate one part of your life, the keyword is 'together'. Your life isn't over because you a had a bad break. Don't get stuck where you are, because there is another ingredient coming, the right answer, the right person, etc.

God is the master chef. God knows exactly what to add and when to add it. He will put in just the right amount at just the right time so you can become everything you can be.

Cookies don't rise without baking soda. God won't leave out the baking soda, so that you rise to your full potential. God has ingredients that will thrust you to a new level. He has ingredients that will help you understand it. You will thank Him for doing what He has done, maybe not in that moment, but someday. 

If someone left you, they weren't a part of your destiny. God wouldn't of let them walk away if they were a part of your destiny. He will give you someone that won't walk away, someone who can't live with out you, someone who treats you the way you should be treated...

Ingredients have to all be mixed together, they don't work the same if you add them one at a time. They don't taste good by themselves. Trust that He will give you all the right ingredients when the time is right.

"Nothing in life happens to you, it happens for you."

Sometimes in life, disappointments are God's way of making the right things happen.

When you keep your hope & faith in the Lord, you will never be disappointed.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

trusting in Him...

I feel like this is so completely true in all of aspects of our relationships. 

It isn't always exactly what we want or who we think we might want.

It's an element of surprise. 

We learn something from each person who has impacted our life.

I have been a little discouraged by people lately, but I have also had people kind of pop up out of the woodwork that I didn't expect. 

People that I admire, respect and that I feel like will only better my life.

I have been given people who have good relationships with God. People that only encourage me to deepen my relationship with Him. 

I feel inspired now. 

I have a new sense of hope that I was missing.

I am going to really work on being a better Christian and also trusting in God's decisions. He knows what is best for me and I know He won't ever let me down.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Lately I've been feeling pretty down again. Life is going alright and I know I've come a long way since January but I still struggle day to day. This battle is a marathon, not a sprint. As the picture above says, I do feel bad admitting that I feel very alone. I feel like it's a rude thing to say considering I have quite a few people who have been there for me every step of the way. Reality is though, I do feel lonely. 

It's not that I miss the intimacy of a relationship, but I miss having that best friend... that go-to person. I don't really feel like I have that. I feel like my friends and my life is outgrowing me. Everyone is in a relationship or having kids. It seems that all my friends and family have someone else in their life that fills that role of a best friend. Everyone is so busy with life that not too many people slow down to acknowledge others. I feel like I'm typically the person to text someone first or to invite someone to hang out. People say they want to get together and then they say, I'll let you know what my schedule looks like. I get it, I really do. If you say that, my only request is that you actually follow through. Most of the time, I do remember these things and I do notice when people don't follow through. That makes me feel like people don't really care. 

I know I probably am over-analyzing things and I need to acknowledge that just because I have a lot of spare time, doesn't necessarily mean others do. I just wish people would surprise me, check up on me occasionally. Even if it is just a text, it lets people know that you're thinking of them and it makes them feel special, like they truly matter. At least that's how I feel. Just know that by saying you'll be there doesn't mean much if you don't back it up. Actions speak louder than words, so prove it... be there.

To the few of you that have been there for me through everything and make an effort to see how I am, I really appreciate it. I don't think I'll ever be able to tell you how much you mean to me. 


I really need to write something. I've had the topic for my next blog in my head for sometime now, just need to sit down and write it out.

Stay tuned...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

incredibly thankful, today and everyday...

As you know, this year has been a challenging one for me. It started with an onset of panic attacks back in January, which led to me losing my job. The next 7 months were up and down. My relationship with Eric came to an end in July, which broke my heart. I thought I had hit rock bottom and then I fell even further, ultimately landing myself in the hospital in the beginning of August. After changing medications and going through electroshock treatments, I was finally beginning to see some hope again, hope that I could get better.

My memory was severely affected by my ECT treatments and I wasn’t remembering much of anything for quite some time. I couldn’t remember my break up. I couldn’t remember the two weeks before I overdosed. I couldn’t remember my time in the hospital. I couldn’t remember my cousin’s bridal shower. It was the end of September when I felt like I was really beginning to retain new memories. Since then, my memory has only improved, although there are still things I come across that I don’t remember.

The last couple months I’ve continued my counseling and am still adjusting medications but I feel alive again. I feel more alive, more like myself now than I have ever before. I would have never have been able to get to where I am today if it hadn’t been for you all. You all have given me support in so many different ways and have been there for me through everything. I know I can always count on you if I’m going through a tough time.

Mom… Dad… Hannah… there is no way I would be here today if it weren’t for you three. You have been my backbone when I had none; you have been a shoulder for me to cry on when I feel like there’s no hope. You’ve kept a roof over my head. You’ve helped incredibly with finances, allowing me to get the care I needed and still do need. You guys are my rock and without you, I wouldn’t be here today. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you’ve done.

Sandi & Megan – you guys brining Brielle into the hospital to see me, was so incredible. Those are the visits I actually remember the most. Seeing baby Brielle brought a smile to my heart. You have no idea how much that smile truly helped me get better. So I thank you for that.

Grandma, you have been there for me through so much. I know you were praying for me to get better and God answered your prayers and truly helped me recover. I love how much closer we have become. I enjoy our lunch dates (when they don’t involve Fire trucks and Ambulances). I am thankful to have such a wonderful Grandma in you.

Court & Adam – I love the Angel of Healing & the beautiful scarf. The angel is near my bed and reminds me where I was and how far I’ve come. You guys were both always there for me, just a text or a phone call away. Thank you.

You have all had such an impact on my healing. The love I’ve received was so much more than I could’ve imagined. I just want to tell you all Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I can’t even begin to express how thankful I am to have such a wonderful family and group of friends. You have all saved my life and helped get me back on my feet. I wouldn’t be where I am at today if I didn’t have you. So… Thank you, thank you, thank you… I love you all!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

job hunting...

As most of you know, I've been looking for a job. It's proving to be harder than I thought it would be. I figured with all the retail positions open, I would be able to find something. I thought my age would help me out by showing some maturity, etc. To my surprise, with my age retailers expect and want more retail experience. I worked retail before, right out of high school an it isn't rocket science. I don't see why my years of experience in finance and my ten plus years in customer service doesn't make me qualified to work with clothes... Honestly. I am hopeful and I know I will find something when the time is right. It is exhausting to spend hours each day searching and applying for jobs. My brain is tired from spending an hour on a single application, only to get an email the next day saying 'thanks but we didn't choose you'. It's not overly encouraging.

I wish I could take this time and go back to school. That would be ideal, but due to previous choices with school, I can't get government help. I really would love to be able to go to beauty school! It's a 10-12 month program if you go full-time, but it costs about $10,000 and most private loans won't cover it.

So here I am... Plugging away to find a job, trying to solve the lifelong question of what to do with the rest of my life. I never knew it would be this hard... Financially, physically or emotionally.

Friday, November 16, 2012

two incredibly powerful words...

"Proverbs 16:9 says "Life and death are in the power of the tongue."
God created our words to have creative power. What follows the two simple words, "I Am", will determine what type of life you have and will either bring success or failure in your life. Instead of saying negative “I Ams”, - “I am unfocused. I am never going to succeed”, say what God says you are. Declare “I am blessed, confident, loved, accepted.” When you change your “I Am's ” your life will change for the better. The seeds of greatness God’s placed on the inside will spring forth.
- Joel Osteen

As some of you may have noticed, I posted this on my Facebook the other day. My mom had saved an episode of Oprah's Lifeclass that had Joel Osteen as a guest. The entire show talked about how powerful the words 'I am' are. I completely agree! I never noticed how much I say these negative 'I am' statements in my own head. After watching it, I am much more aware and am catching myself with these negative thoughts and turning them positive. I wanted to create a list of my own 'I am' thoughts and how I've changed them. 

I am unemployed.
I am actively looking for jobs and will find something.

I am not going to get ahead with all these medical bills.
I am becoming a healthier, better version of myself.

I am out of shape.
I am able and capable to exercise.

I am an unhealthy eater.
I am really going to try to eat healthier.

I am horrible at interviews.
I am confident I can do any job I am given.

I am an anxious person.
I am getting pretty good at noticing my anxiety triggers, 
therefore able to prevent a lot of anxiety from even happening.

I am not as good of a Christian as I'd like to be.
I am working on improving my relationship with God.

These are just a few that came to mind but so many more have ran through my head. 
What are some negative 'I am' statements you say? How can you turn them into a positive statement? 

I really believe that if you are somewhat aware of the things you think and/or say and can find a way to turn it from a negative thought to a positive thought, it can, and will, improve your overall look on life. I know it has for me, even in just a few days.

new blog post coming soon...

I have a certain thing I have felt the need to blog about since I heard it. I just have been so busy with job applications and counseling. I promise that I will get it up soon!!!

To be continued...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Lesson Learned...

I really shouldn't blog when I'm frustrated and have taking my sleeping pill... it never turns out good. I tend to say things I shouldn't and also say things that aren't entirely true. My head gets into such a fog and then I don't remember much when I wake up. Not a good thing. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Alton Baker...

Friday was a tough day for my mom and I... We spend the majority of the time up at the hospital at Janice's bedside. Not too much later, Cindy, my mom and myself headed back up to the hospital because things had gone downhill. We made it back up there and Janice was in and out of sleep. After some more morphine, she fell back asleep and never did wake up again. She was comfortable and not in pain.

We left and went back home around 1:30am. We all went to sleep. The next morning we got the news that Janice had passed. My mom is very sad and I wish I could make it better. I tried my best to be there for her through the whole situation and I think I did a pretty good job.

Swung by Alton Baker Park. It was a beautiful fall day and the colors were gorgeous! After taking a picture on one side of the bridge, we walked to the other side. On my way over, I missed the curb and rolled my ankle in all sorts of a funny direction. Ouch did it hurt. I just laughed and walked it off. We took some more pictures around the park.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

another angel

My world has gained another guardian angel as of Saturday morning. Janice passed away around 10am. I know she's in a better place where she's being reunited with family and friends, where she is pain free, where she can walk again. It is still very sad though. She will be so incredibly missed. She never missed my mom's birthday... Always called to talk and tell her happy birthday. She was such a selfless person. She is survived by her husband, Omar, who loves her so much. Seeing him so sad was heartbreaking but seeing the way they would just look at each other, staring into each others eyes, was unlike anything else. It was an example of true love... It was beautiful. Please pray for everyone affected by Janice's passing. I know we will see each other again someday.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

my past week catch up...

It's now 1:35 am and I can't sleep. 
I feel a bit anxious tonight. 
I have a big day tomorrow. I miss my boyfriend.

What do I do when there's nothing on TV, nobody else up to talk to and I can't sleep?

I blog.

I haven't written in over a week and I feel like there's so much to catch up on. 
I am not going to try not to go into crazy details & writing a book for a blog post...
(I know I'm all too good at that)
So here's my summed up, condensed version of the past week...


My parents, Hannah, Dan and myself hopped on a plane and headed to Cancun.
It was my first time to Mexico & my first time anywhere near the Caribbean Ocean.


Hannah, Dan and I went downtown to experience the bar scene and had a blast.
We bartered our way to $5 cab rides and even a $5 round of drinks with nachos.

We all got to not only hold baby sea turtles, but also set them free into the ocean.
I absolutely love turtles and this was an incredible once-in-a-lifetime experience!

We saw a bunch of iguanas (I think) and even a crocodile.

We went on a booze cruise where we had unlimited drinks and delicious food.
I learned how to dance Meringue.
Dan and Hannah won a couples dance competition.
Dad even got involved in a competition and had to dance 'sexy'.
We all danced our butts off on the island we cruised to and on the boat.

The trip was so much fun!!!
I feel extremely blessed to have had the opportunity to go.
I have a dang awesome family. 
I wouldn't of wanted to be there with anyone else.


A bit of things have happened since we've been back...

My Aunt Terrie has been here since before we left.
She watched the dogs while we were gone.
It's been so nice to get to see her for an extended amount of time.

I decided that working the temp job at Delta wasn't what was best for me right now.
I left on really good terms and they wish nothing but the best for me.
No hard feelings.

I heard a bit of sad news... 
please keep these people (& dog) in your thoughts and prayers.

One of our old neighbors just turned 16 and is very, very sick.
He hasn't been able to keep hydrated and has been on IV's for the past 7 months.
He has had numerous other serious health issues in the past also.
He's in & out of the Mayo Clinic, missing school and still keeps an optimistic attitude.

His family is holding onto every moment they get with him while praying that the doctors can find a miracle cure to help keep him healthier. This family has been through so much, much more than any family should. 

They inspire me daily and remind me why I want to renew my relationship with God.
Pray for good health & strength for the entire family.

My mom received a text yesterday from one of her high school friends, Susan.
Susan's mom, Janice, was admitted to the hospital Friday night. 
Janice has been a big part of my mom's life for so long.
We all love her, she's such a nice lady and so thoughtful.
It seems that Janice has suffered another stroke, which is causing her extreme difficulties. She's not really able to speak, although as of today, it seems to be improving somewhat. She does have a small spot of pneumonia on one of her lungs, which is getting better. She's in a lot of pain, she's frustrated & depressed.
Please pray for Janice, her family and my family.

My friend Seth's dog, Mesa, woke up this morning in acute pain. She couldn't walk or really even move because of the pain. Seth took her to the vet & found out that she seems to have acute spinal pain. They've given her medications and now we wait. If she doesn't improve, she has to get tests & scans done to check for other possibilities. 
Anyone that knows Seth, knows that he loves Miss Mesa like she is his daughter. She is seriously the sweetest dog with a HUGE personality. 
Please keep Seth & Mesa in your thoughts and prayers.

Then there's this family, The Brown's, who I have been following on Facebook.
Husband and Wife, after 7 years of trying, were able to get pregnant.
Husband, Sean, was serving over in Afghanistan when his wife, Heather, went into the hospital when she was 34 weeks pregnant because of severe headaches. 
The doctors found that Heather had a bleed in her brain.  
Baby John was born at 34 weeks by an emergency c-section.
Baby John was transferred to a neighboring hospital with a NICU. 
Meanwhile, Heather slipped into a coma. The doctors outlook has been grim.
Sean is doing his best not to give up hope.
Baby John was able to go home about a month later.
He then was able to meet his mom, the sleeping beauty, for the first time. 

When Baby John was placed at Heather's side, Heather opened her mouth and started sobbing. She even was able to open her eyes just enough to take a look at her son for the first time. She sobbed again when Baby John held onto her finger, gripping it as tightly as he could. Heather is still in a coma, but with the little signs of emotions and reactions, it gives us hope. I really hope this family will be complete again someday soon. 

The amount of support that I've seen on Facebook for this family is incredible. I wish there was someway I could help, but I can help in one of the best ways... prayer. 
Please help me pray for this family & for Heather's recovery.

If you want to read more and follow their story on Facebook, here's the link:

Then there's the entire east coast that has been absolutely hammered by Sandy.
33 fatalities and millions of people without power. 
Severe amount of flooding, wind, downed trees, fire, and snow.
All of which has caused extensive amounts of damage.
The many pictures are devastating.
We need to pray for this storm to end and for safety for everyone affected.


I need to start focusing on the good, not the bad. 
I need to be much more thankful for what I have in this life.
I don't want to take day to day activities for granted.
I want to make the most of each experience, every day.
I want to live my life to the fullest because we never know how long we have here on this earth with the people we love. 
So don't take things for granted.
Don't focus on the negative.
Try to find a positive in something everyday.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

the lazy song...

The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars on Grooveshark

"The Lazy Song"

Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything.

I'm gonna kick my feet up
Then stare at the fan
Turn the TV on, throw my hand in my pants
Nobody's gonna tell me I can't

I'll be lounging on the couch,
Just chillin' in my snuggie
Click to MTV, so they can teach me how to dougie
'Cause in my castle I'm the freaking man

Oh, yes I said it
I said it
I said it 'cause I can

Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything

Nothing at all!
Ooh, hoo, ooh, hoo, ooh, ooh-ooh
Nothing at all
Ooh, hoo, ooh, hoo, ooh, ooh-ooh

Tomorrow I'll wake up, do some P90X
Meet a really nice girl, have some really nice sex
And she's gonna scream out: 'This is Great' (Oh my God, this is great)

I might mess around, get my college degree
I bet my old man will be so proud of me
But sorry pops, you'll just have to wait

Oh, yes I said it
I said it
I said it 'cause I can

Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything

No, I ain't gonna comb my hair
'Cause I ain't going anywhere
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
I'll just strut in my birthday suit
And let everything hang loose
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone
So leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything

Nothing at all
Nothing at all
Nothing at all

Friday, October 19, 2012

bring me back...

Bring Me Back by Paul Wright on Grooveshark

"Bring Me Back"

Say i know, i know

That I need you
And I go, i go
The wrong way (2x)

im so far away from where i wanna be
yeah so far away from how you really see me
im so far away from where i wanna be oh Lord (2x)

wont you bring please bring me back
wont you bring please bring me back to that sweet place
yes bring please bring me back to You

by your grace by your love theres a way to rise above
first we must fall into the Son and surrender

say i know, i know
that I need you
and I go, i go
the wrong way

im so far away from where i wanna be
yeah so far away from how you really see me
im so far away from where i wanna be oh Lord

wont you bring please bring me back
wont you bring please bring me back to that sweet place
yes bring please bring me back to You

by your grace by your love theres a way to rise above
first we must come to the son

by your grace you replace
the part in me yes the heart in me thats bent towards sinning
and where there was cold stares
now there are hellos hi how ya doin
no truth it only tears
give way to homes that are built on ruins

where there was monsters hiding in the closet
now theres no more nightmare or the ones that caused it

where the old man wishes it was over
now theres less candles on the cake as we get older

by your grace by your love theres a way to rise above
first we must come thru the Son
by your grace by your love theres a way to rise above
first we must fall into the son and surrender
and surrender (5x)

Thursday, October 18, 2012

gravity happens...

I have decided that I'm going to do my blogs differently. 

I am going to try to post a new song everyday. 
Something I feel has meaningful, relatable lyrics that also has a great sound. 

Now what I think sounds great may be music to my ears, but not as much for you. 
I mostly want to share the lyrics, the meaning behind the song. 

I feel like I relate my life to songs so often. 
I want to pick a song a day for a week that I feel strongly about & share the lyrics with you.

This is one of my favorite songs... let me know what you think.
I hope you enjoy it!

Gravity Happens by Kate Voegele on Grooveshark

"Gravity Happens"

If your travels ever take you to sea
Then I'd say to you to dip in your feet
And if you battle the wind along the way
Then I'd tell you to challenge the waves

It's a world of peculiar people
And places that look nothing like home
But it keeps turning - and turning even though

Gravity happens...
And we don't know it till after we've hit the ground
The world's spinning faster
With each day that passes and each dashing hour
What am I to do? I've broken my parachute
So if gravity happens, then I'll fasten wings to my shoes

I have gathered that the moments that shaped me
Were the ones that have tested my faith
And all that matters is the courage they gave me
I fell down and my fears were erased

'Cause in the wreckage of heartache and hindsight
A new beginning starts to unfold
And if you let it, it just might save your life

Because gravity happens...
And we don't know it till after we've hit the ground
The world's spinning faster
With each day that passes and each dashing hour
What am I to do? I've broken my parachute
So if gravity happens, then I'll fasten wings to my shoes

I'm not gonna let the world get me down, no
I got so much more to live for
And I'm starting right now

Cause gravity happens...
And we don't know it till after we've hit the ground
The world's spinning faster
With each day that passes and each dashing hour
What am I to do? I've broken my parachute
So if gravity happens, then I'll fasten wings to my shoes

some room for improvement...

My last post was about giving myself some credit for coming as far as I've come, but this post I want people to know that I still have much further I can go. As a part of my healing, I am really digging down and finding things in myself that I need to work on. It didn't take much digging to realize a few things lately.

I think I'm a bit of a control freak. I want everything to be perfect. I get things planned and when they don't go as planned I get upset, anxious and/or angry. I pick fights that could easily be avoided by biting my tongue and taking a deep breath. Most of these fights end up being with my sister, which makes me really sad. She's one of my best friends. She's always there for me. She's irreplaceable. I never want to do anything that could permanently damage our relationship. Lucky for me, she's pretty darn patient with me. She understands that I can freak out and be unreasonable when I get upset. She shouldn't have to do that and I definitely don't want her to come to expect these things from me. Therefore, this is going to be my number one priority in becoming a better person, a better me. 

Another thing I need to work on is not being so impulsive. I create a lot of anxiety by creating an argument within my own head as to what I want to do and what I should do. With my job being so lenient I've been able to get away with doing what I want and not what I should. For instance, the weekend before last, I made an impulsive decision to ride up to Washington with Paul & to have Hannah and Dan drive my car up. Once this idea was in my head, I started getting really anxious, to the point of pretty much having a panic attack at the thought of not going. I need to really take a step back and think about things, not just make up my mind to do what I want. It's like once I get an idea in my head that I'm excited about, my mind won't let me change that decision. It's really not a good thing.

Last week in Washington was wonderful though. I don't regret going up whatsoever. I've had a lot of quiet time to myself. I realize how much I truly need alone time, for my well being. Plus I got to go to my first NFL game to watch the Seahawks beat The Patriots in the last few minutes! 

Working and saving money needs to be a higher priority than it has been lately too. I need to focus on getting over my work anxieties and getting back into the swing of having some structure in my life. I haven't worked since March or April and I wish I could say the time off has been more enjoyable. Don't get me wrong, some of it has been great but a lot of it has been a struggle. I am very thankful for the time I have been able to take off so I can really work on myself. It has been a blessing that wouldn't of been possible if it weren't for my parents support. I really can't tell them enough how much I've appreciated their help. It is time for me to give back, start contributing more, at least financially. I have set a work plan that I think will work well for me and I feel incredibly lucky to have the opportunity I have. 

One more thing I really want to work on is my relationship with God. I would really like to start going to church again and really work on strengthening my relationship with Him. I know I don't pray nearly as much as I should and a lot of the reason is because I feel like I don't deserve it. I haven't been as good of a Christian as I know I can be. I want to change that. I believe once I do, I will truly find happiness. 

Overall, I know there is a plan for me. I know everything I've been through has been for a reason. It has led me to a place I never saw myself, a place of much more happiness and self worth. I have grown so much in the past ten months and I am proud of myself. I'm proud that I can step back and realize when I'm wrong and vocalize them. By writing them out and making my biggest flaws public, I feel like it will hold me more accountable for working them out. So words of encouragement and also any advice would be extremely welcomed. I know it's not going to be easy but I know I can do it. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

a little credit...

Ya know, sometimes I forget to give myself the credit I deserve. I am pretty hard on myself at times and I expect quite a bit. I can allow myself to get stressed out or overwhelmed by my anxiety or my bad days, but realistically I should be proud. I have come so far, even in just the past month and a half. If someone were to tell me that I'd be happy, in love, and overall in a pretty good place, I would've laughed in their face. I was at my absolute rock bottom. I was ready to give up, I had lost hope. I lost hope in love, in my health, in life and ultimately in myself. It's truly a blessing that I'm here today, that I received all the help I did. 

Nonetheless, I couldn't of done it without the love and support that has surrounded me. You all know who you are. You have made this journey that much easier for me. I know I am still going to have days where I struggle. I still have plenty of room for improvement. I have faith now that I will get there, that I am going to get all I want and deserve out of life. You have all helped remind me of that. As a very wise man keeps telling me... baby steps. Take one thing at a time and it will all work out and be okay. Sometimes I think we all just need to take a step back and look at where we are, how we got here and be thankful. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

generalized anxiety disorder...

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (or GAD) is characterized by excessive, exaggerated anxiety and worry about everyday life events with no obvious reasons for worry. People with symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder tend to always expect disaster and can't stop worrying about health, money, family, work, or school. In people with GAD, the worry is often unrealistic or out of proportion for the situation. Daily life becomes a constant state of worry, fear, and dread. Eventually, the anxiety so dominates the person's thinking that it interferes with daily functioning, including work, school, social activities, and relationships.

Symptoms of GAD can affect the way a person thinks, but the anxiety can lead to physical symptoms as well. Physical symptoms of GAD can include: 
    • Excessive, ongoing worry and tension
    • An unrealistic view of problems
    • Restlessness or a feeling of being "edgy"
    • Irritability
    • Muscle tension
    • Headaches
    • Sweating
    • Difficulty concentrating
    • Nausea
    • The need to go to the bathroom frequently
    • Tiredness
    • Trouble falling or staying asleep
    • Trembling
    • Being easily startled

Add depression to the mix and you've got my diagnosis. I'm not ashamed of what's been going on, or what I've been through. I want people to really understand anxiety, because I feel it's very misunderstood. Over the past 9 months, I've been treated for depression and anxiety. I am currently taking two medications, which cover all three chemicals (serotonin, norepinephrine  and dopamine) that can be off when a person is depressed. These medications and my ECT treatments have really helped get my depression under control. 

As for my anxiety, I feel like it has been more symptomatically treated. I have medication that I can take when I'm beginning to feel anxious, or feeling like I'm going to have a panic attack. This medicine calms me back down, but also makes me so calm and relaxed that I can't really function. I can't drive, I can't work, I typically just end up sleeping for hours. So this is really only an option if I am home or in a place where I don't have to worry about doing much of anything. 

I've been getting pretty frustrated lately. I began working a temp job at one of my old employers on September 24th. I worked a few hours on the 24th and then 5 hours on the 25th. The night of the 25th, I couldn't get myself to sleep. I was up until after 5am, even after taking my sleep aids and my anxiety med. When my alarm went off at 7:15am the morning of the Wednesday, the 26th, I was exhausted and feeling pretty overwhelmed. I talked to my supervisor and she told me to take the day and get to feeling better. We had some family stuff come up and my mom and I went up to Washington last minute, so I missed Thursday and Friday. I was all geared up to go back to work this morning. I was supposed to be there at 8:30am. I woke up with a sore jaw and sore teeth. I was clenching my teeth throughout the night and subconsciously still doing it at times while lying in bed hitting snooze on my alarm. I couldn't lay still... my mind was going a million miles an hour. I felt like I was going to have a full blown panic attack. So, what do I do? Do I take the medicine to prevent it and miss another day of work, or do I push through and try to force myself to get up and go to work? I fought with my own head... back and forth. I called and talked to Paul. He was supportive of whatever I decided to do and just wants me to be healthy. After thinking more about it... in the past, when I try to push through and force myself to do something while being really anxious, I get really angry. When I get angry, my mind goes to places it shouldn't. I start thinking of ways I could physically hurt myself so that I have a 'real' reason why I can't go to work. I knew at that point, that I just couldn't go there. I've come so far and I can't allow myself to go backwards. I just needed to be honest with work and I took my anxiety med and fell back asleep.

Work has been very supportive. My particular position is an extra and I'm working on special projects, so nobody is really counting on me to be there. They have told me that my getting better is the most important thing right now and not to worry about them. I have a couple appointments later this week and I'm hoping to really get some answers. I'm just not sure where to go from here. I need an income but do I sacrifice my own health to some extent to get that income? 

I feel like I've been letting my friends down. My anxiety has taken over and I seem to have issues with sticking to plans with friends. I missed one of my best friends wedding celebrations this last weekend and I feel absolutely horrible. I feel like a terrible person for not being there for her on one of her biggest days, especially when she's been here for me through everything I've been going through. She's been wonderful. I just don't want to lose friends who I really care about because my anxiety is constantly getting in the way of my social life and relationships. I really worry about this. 

I am going to try a few things to see if I can work on my anxiety outside of medications. I'm going to note my foods... see if any of what I'm eating is causing anxiety. I'm going to cut back on caffeine. I'm going to start an easy exercise regimen. I think all this should help. I just want to be able to live a normal life.